Bulletin of the Multinational Center of Quality of Life Research № 5-6
E.N. Usoltceva, E.V. Bryukhina
Validation of the Russian version of the specific questionnaire OPAQ for quality of life assessment in patients with osteoporosis
The purpose of our research was to carry out validation the Russian version of Osteoporosis Assessment Questionnaire (OPAQ) in the environment of the patients suffering postmenopausal osteoporosis. Ninety women have been included in the study.
Cultural and linguistic adaptation of the Russian version of OPAQ was executed by members of the International center of research of quality life (Saint Petersburg) according to the international standards. Validation included the evaluation of reliability, validity and sensitivity of the questionnaire.
High values of Cronbach alpha have been received (from 0.7 up to 0.9) on fourteen scales from eighteen at the estimation of reliability OPAQ. Seven components have been allocated at carrying out of factor's analysis OPAQ: "symptoms", "social interaction", "psychological status", "support of family", "appearance and fear of falling", "independence" and "physical activity". Distribution of scales on components has been confirmed with the nonparametric correlation analysis.
The estimation validity by the method of "known groups" has revealed dependence of parameters of the quality of life on the patient's age, duration and a kind of the menopause, from presence of fractures in the anamnesis and pains in a backbone, connected with an osteoporosis.
The analysis of correlation interrelations has shown, that questions correlate with each other within the limits of the scale (p <0.01) and have higher factors of correlations with it's scales, than with the others (p <0.01; r = 0.3-0.8). We had been revealed presence of statistically significant correlations of the scales and domains OPAQ with the scales SF-36 at an estimation constructive validation. Sizes of correlation factors were more between the scales shining similar characteristics of the quality of life.
The estimation of sensitivity of OPAQ questionnaire has shown improvement of 50 % of parameters of the quality of life among patients within 3 months on a replaceable hormonal therapy. Thus, Russian version OPAQ is reliable, validity and the sensitive tool for an estimation of quality of life in the postmenopausal patients suffering osteoporosis.
Application of the OPAQ questionnaire can be recommended for an estimation of the patient's condition and efficiency of treatment the postmenopausal osteoporosis alongside with traditional clinical parameters.