Bulletin of the Multinational Center of Quality of Life Research № 9-10
A.V. Cherukanov, E.K. Pinaeva, O.S. Petrov, V.S. Luchkevich
Impact of the volume of medical rehabilitation on quality of life dynamics of youths with limited abilities
Taking into consideration current meaning of invalidity, the object of government attention in solving of this problem should not be abnormalities in child health, but recovering of his social-role function in condition of limited freedom or limited abilities.
The main accent in solving of invalidity problems is shifted to rehabilitation that is based on social mechanisms of compensation and adaptation. Due to this fact medical rehabilitation obtains special significance in the matter of vital activity normalization of adolescents with limited abilities.
But for all that, the quality of life (QoL) should be regarded as integral characteristic to be oriented to during assessment of rehabilitation effectiveness of adolescents with limited abilities. The aim of the study was the analysis of QoL dynamic in 168 adolescents with limited abilities, who had obtained social rehabilitation (SR) and medical rehabilitation (MR) of various volumes. QoL was assessed with the PedsQL™ 4.0 questionnaire at different time points: before starting of course, immediately after completing and in three months after completing of SR course.
Most adolescents included into study obtained partial course of MR - 104 (61, 9%), 25 (14, 9%) - completed course and 39 (23, 2%) - no MR. The highest QoL indices were in adolescents after having completed or partial MR courses. The physical activity became worse in the adolescents without MR. After completion of MR course social activity indices became worse right after SR and improved to the 3rd month after SR course completion.
Nevertheless, analyses demonstrated positive dynamic of QoL indices in all adolescents. Though, the MR volume doesn't affect the QoL dynamic in general, but had influence to different points, characterized QoL of adolescents with limited abilities, who had obtained SR course.