Past events
Summary of the International Symposium "Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Sclerosis", Moscow, Russia, October 5th, 2009.
The International Symposium "Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Sclerosis", held in Moscow, Russia on October 5th, 2009, focused on the new modality of multiple sclerosis treatment - high-dose immunosuppressive therapy (HDIT) followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT). Centers in Europe, North and South America, Russia, China, Israel and Australia have treated patients with this new method, and by now more than 700 stem cell transplantations in multiple sclerosis have been performed worldwide. Along with promising results there are a number of unclear and challenging issues that are worth studying.
The Symposium intended to share the newly acquired knowledge in the field, to discuss challenges and perspectives of the method, and to develop collaborative projects. It united neurologists, hematologists, transplantologists, and immunologists from 17 countries. With the participation of the leading experts in the field - Prof. A. Marmont (Genoa), Prof. A. Fassas (Thessaloniki), Prof. A. Gratwohl (Basel), Prof. A. Novik (Moscow), Prof. R. Saccardi (Florence), Prof. T. Kozak (Prague), Prof. A. Kuznetsov (Moscow), Prof. D. Karussis (Jerusalem), Prof. A. Barreira (San Paolo), Prof. B. Afanasiev (St.Petersburg) and others, the following issues were covered: theoretical and practical background of autologous stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis treatment, safety and efficacy of the method according to the data from different countries, conditioning regimens to be used for autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple sclerosis patients, patient selection for autologous stem cell transplantation, terms of autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple sclerosis, patient- reported outcomes after autologous stem cell transplantation, etc. The experience of immunosuppressive therapy followed by autologus stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis in Italy, Greece, China, Belarus, Israel, Russia, Czech Republic, and Brazil was discussed.
The plenary session began with an overview of multiple sclerosis by Alexey Kuznetsov (Moscow). Alberto Marmont (Genoa) reviewed the history, progress and perspectives of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for severe autoimmune diseases and presented the evidence for powerful therapeutic potential of AHSCT for these diseases. Athanasios Fassas (Thessaloniki) gave an overview of the evolution of HDIT+ AHSCT for multiple sclerosis. He emphasized that since 1995, a number of centers in the European Union, Russia, Israel, China, USA, Canada and Latin America have reported their experience in treating progressing, mainly advanced-stage and standard-therapy resistant multiple sclerosis with HDIT+ AHSCT and have demonstrated certain spectacular and long-lasting outcomes.
Ricardo Saccardi (Florence) updated the data on transplanted multiple sclerosis patients in the registry of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT), and he presented the details on the European controlled trial of AHSCT versus mitoxantrone (ASTIMS). Alois Gratwohl (Basel) covered theoretical and practical issues of autologous versus allogeneic stem cell transplantation in multiple sclerosis. He summarized that AHSCT should remain the standard approach to clinical HSCT for patients with severe autoimmune disorders including multiple sclerosis. The final plenary session presentation, concerning the possible application of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases, was given by Dimitrios Karussis (Jerusalem).
Oral session "International Experience of Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Sclerosis" started with the presentation of Andrei Novik (Moscow) who focused on three strategies of AHSCT in multiple sclerosis. He pointed to the feasibility of early, conventional, and salvage HDIT+AHSCT for multiple sclerosis patients. In four other presentations the experience of different countries in AHSCT for multiple sclerosis treatment was given: Tomas Kozak (Prague) presented the experience of Czech Republic in immunoablative therapy with AHSCT in the treatment of patients with poor risk multiple sclerosis, Amilton Barreiara (San Paolo) - the data of the Brazilian group for HSCT in multiple sclerosis using non-myeloablative stem cell regimen, Li Su (Beijing) - the Chinese experience of AHSCT in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, Yana Motuzova (Minsk) - the results of Belarusian study on intermediate-intensity versus low-intensity conditioning regimens followed by AHSCT. The session ended with the presentation by Kristen Langeveld (Hamburg), concerning AHSCT with in-vitro T-cell depletion in refractory cases of autoimmune diseases.
The afternoon oral session "Treatment outcomes of Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Sclerosis" began with the presentation by Boris Afanasiev (St.Petersburg), who focused on the results of a single center study which looked at the feasibility of fludarabine-melphalan conditioning versus BEAM conditioning for multiple sclerosis patients with different rates of disease progression. Roman Ivanov (Moscow) discussed the issues of immunological reconstitution after AHSCT in multiple sclerosis. Long-term outcomes of AHSCT in progressive multiple sclerosis were presented by Li Su (Beijing). Gennadii Bisaga (St.Petersburg) provided details of a case report study of autologous Il-10 modified dentritic cells in multiple sclerosis. Yana Motuzova (Minsk) presented an encouraging case study on HDIT+AHSCT without adverse effects on the fetus in a pregnant female. In a presentation by Denis Fedorenko (Moscow), the data on symptom assessment in early and late posttransplant period after HDIT+AHSCT in patients with multiple sclerosis were given. Finally, Tatyana Ionova (St.Petersburg) gave an overview of patient-reported outcomes in multiple sclerosis patients undergoing AHCST. She demonstrated significant improvement in quality of life and reduction of multiple sclerosis related symptoms after HDIT+AHSCT. She also emphasized that comprehensive evaluation of treatment outcomes, including both clinical and patient-reported ones, is worthwhile.
In conclusion, there was a panel discussion with the participation of Ricardo Saccardi, Andrei Novik, Tomas Kozak, Alexey Kuznetsov, Alois Gratwohl, Amilton Barreira, Boris Afanasiev, Athanasios Fassas, and Oleg Rukavitsin (Moscow). Initial discussion dealt with how to define success after HDIT+AHSCT, patient selection, appropriate timing for transplantation and conditioning regimens. There was speculation on future directions in high-dose immunosuppressive therapy followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. By consensus agreement among panelists and symposium participants, the method has good potential for multiple sclerosis treatment and it is worthwhile to continue efforts in the field.
The Symposium concluded with patient advocacy: representatives of recently formed Patients Association "New Life", which unites multiple sclerosis patients after AHSCT and their relatives, expressed their appreciation to the experts in AHSCT and encouraged them to continue their efforts in the field to give a chance for a new life to patients with multiple sclerosis worldwide.
In concluding remarks it was noted that the Symposium will open new possibilities for scientific and clinical collaboration and will contribute to the improvement of quality of care for patients with multiple sclerosis.